Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trail work and campouts

We had another trail work day on Saturday, November 5 at the North Road Nature Preserve.  Quite a few people showed up to work - Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, plus Bernie of course.  We got quite a bit done - enough that it's easy to hike the loop now, even if it's not all perfect yet.  I was limited to what work I could do because I'm still in the neck brace, but I did start flagging a new line for the trail to the creek that the park board approved last month.

After trail work, at noon there was a ribbon cutting held by the Trumbull County Metroparks.  The local politicians were there and we had a short ceremony.  Hopefully the Warren Tribune will be enough on the ball to get the photo in the newspaper soon - it's been a week and still nothing.  But it makes no real difference, we'll be continuing with our trail building as long as the weather cooperates.  Bernie and I were back out there this Saturday hauling rocks.  Can't wait till I'm back to 100% and can really get some work done.

Also had some bad news this week.  One of my old friends from way back passed on the news via my brother - his wife had a tooth pulled Friday and was found dead on Saturday morning.  She was only 43 and there were no signs anything was wrong.  It's just so devastating to see a young mother taken away from here son and husband.  Bill and Tony have been on my mind a lot this week.  I hope to stop and talk to Bill this next week after the hub bub dies down a bit.

And we had our first snow fall of the year this week.  Not liking that even one bit.

Kenny and I went down to Tomlinson Run State Park near New Cumberland, West Virginia to join Boy Scout Troop 101 for a campout.  The weather was great and Kenny had a great time with the boys.  That troop runs like a machine and the boys are really an integral part of what is going on.  We were both really impressed by the way they do things.  It got pretty cold at night, but we had enough gear that we both managed to keep warm.  I'm betting that this is the troop that Kenny chooses to go to next year.

Another couple of quick photos.  One is from todays drive with King Dave - someone failed to stop at the intersection and the tire tracks tell the tale.  The other is just a photo of the silver bridge at Mill Creek in Youngstown.

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